Trigger to end email automation workflow
Hi, I would like an 'exit automation' option/trigger for customers who bought a product after downloading a freebie. Example, customer downloaded a freebie and my email automation workflow starts. After email #3, the customer decides to make a purchase. I would like him to be automatically removed from the remaining emails in my freebie email automation.
Jacob Choi-Durham
Hi everyone!
Introducing a powerful new feature to supercharge your email marketing! Now you can add end conditions to your email sequences, ensuring users stop receiving emails once they've made a purchase. This smart automation helps prevent redundant messaging and keeps your audience engaged without overloading their inboxes. With this update, you can deliver a more personalized experience and boost sales effectiveness. Start using end conditions today to optimize your email campaigns!
Jacob Choi-Durham Already stumbled upon this feature this week and used immediately! I've requested this and have been waiting. Thank you so much!!
Merged in a post:
Set rules for who continues in email sequence
I have a welcome email sequence that nurtures a customer to buy my ebook. However, it would be nice to be able to set a rule that if they've already bought it, they get taken out of the sequence. They would only receive my Welcome Email 1.
Jacob Choi-Durham
Hiya drjamiesculley.nd, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more details on how you'd like the rule to be set? For example, should it be based on a specific action the customer takes, or a certain amount of time after purchase?
- Would you like to have the ability to customize what happens to a customer after they're removed from the sequence? For example, should they be moved to a different sequence or receive a different type of communication?
- Are there any other conditions or scenarios where you'd like to be able to remove a customer from an email sequence?
Jacob Choi-Durham
- I'd like it to be based on an action they've taken like purchasing an item. Time could also be useful to remind them of the product if they haven't already bought it.
- Yes I would like to be able to specify where that customer would go. Maybe to another product sequence like an upsell, similar products they might also like, or a different welcome email sequence.
- No I can't think of any other scenarios where I'd like to remove someone from a sequence.
Jacob Choi-Durham
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This would be phenomenal! Yes please add this feature.
Jacob Choi-Durham
Hiya thepassiveincomemethod, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more details on how you envision the 'exit automation' trigger to work? For example, should it be based on specific actions the customer takes, or should it be time-based?
- Would you like to have the ability to customize the conditions under which a customer is removed from the email automation workflow?
- Are there any other scenarios, apart from a purchase, where you would like the option to end the email automation workflow for a customer?
Hi Jacob Choi-Durham, thanks for the quick response.
- It should be based on a specific action the customer takes, eg. if [group] purchases [product] then exit [freebie automation].
- Yes, although right now the use case I can think of is mainly to remove the customer from receiving anymore emails promoting product A if he has finally decided to purchase product A. So the conditions would mainly be purchase of [product].
- No, none that I can think of at the moment.