Sell physical products from my Store
Jacky Zhu
I would also like to request this as soon as possible.
Jacky Zhu
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Ship Physical Products
Hello I would like to add a request to add the feature to ship Physical Products without having to connect a secondary platform when we are paying for this one.
Hello Jacob,
These will be products from my inventory. Facial mist body sprays, cleansing sprays.
There are a couple features that I would be interested in allowing the user to pick their shipping rate, Auto tax calculation based off of the user's ZIP, offering different payment types such as payment plans through third party application such as after pay, klarna etc.
Shipping carrier I will be interested in would be United States postal Service. And DHL for countries outside of the United States.
Jacob Choi-Durham
Hey Aneicia, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- Could you please specify the types of physical products you are looking to ship?
- What specific features are you looking for in the shipping process?
- Are there any specific shipping carriers you would like to integrate with?
Kat Tung
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Physical items
Teal Rose
Ability to sell physical items with easy option to print shipping label.
Teal Rose
Just added this lol
Ben Woytowich
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Able to sell Physical Products
Veronica Merritt
I want to be able to sell products directly with an order form or some sort.
Ben Woytowich
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Ability to add shipping charges when selling physical products
User-definable shipping charges either by zip code, weight, units, country, etc.
Ben Woytowich
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List physical products for sale with listed quantity
The ability to list physical products for sale with listed quantities would be a game changer. then you could ink dropship integrations or print on demand.
If this was an option I would 100% be subscribed to pro.
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