Request for selling software licenses in product store + api for devs
Craig Ross
the ability to sell software license keys and an api similar to that of gumroad, payhip,sendowl etc. in particular endpoints for enabling, disabling licences, verifying licenses and webhooks for new purchases and failed verifications maybe.
Each license would be either a one-off purchase ie lifetime, monthly subscription, yearly subscription etc.
also maybe a bundles option to sell multiple products as a bundle.
The ability to maybe upgrade licenses would also be good i think.
here's the docs for these companies.
nb sendowl requires the app to verify the licenses from a backend ie so api key isnt public and payhip i think now require a product id rahter than an api key now in their new version.
Jacky Zhu
Merged in a post: / API Integration
I don't see a way to link APIs like ...could we get this, and maybe just standard API integration, into Beacon's web builder?
Jacob Choi-Durham
Hey crownvapeshop, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific functionalities do you need from the integration?
- Are there any other API integrations you would find beneficial for your use case?
- How do you envision using the API integration within your current workflow?
Jacob Choi-Durham the ability to use any API integration would be excellent.
Jacob Choi-Durham
Hey Craig Ross, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- Could you provide more details on how you envision the license upgrade process to work?
- What specific features do you find most useful in the APIs of Gumroad, Payhip, and Sendowl that you would like to see in our product?
- Could you elaborate on the types of bundles you would like to offer and how you would like to manage them?
Craig Ross
Jacob Choi-Durham bundles would be similar to how it works in gumroad. I'm not sure about how upgrading would work., the most important thing for me personally would be endpoints for enabling, disabling licences, verifying licenses and webhooks for new purchases and failed verifications maybe. Would also be better if you could verify licenses from in my apps from the client side rather than server-side as long as it's secure to do so. Thanks