Media Kit analytics date range selection
Hello Team,
I am an influencer and I enjoy using your Media Pack. Straight to the point: the fact that the analysis only covers the last 10 posts is a problem. This is the sole reason why the Media Pack is currently unusable, as most companies request analysis for specific time frames such as 7 days, 30 days, etc.
I strongly recommend allowing users to set the analysis period themselves or at least provide a 30-day option.
Thank you! <3 EDIT: If theres an option to do so... its really hard to find.
Jacob Choi-Durham
Great to hear your perspective, bluebrywow! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more details on how you would like to set the analysis period? For example, would you prefer a calendar picker, a drop-down menu with predefined options, or another method?
- Apart from the 7-day and 30-day periods, are there any other specific time frames that you or companies you work with frequently request?
- Could you clarify what other features or information you find valuable in the Media Pack that you would like to see maintained or enhanced with this change?