Jacky Zhu
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Opportunity Call in Spanish
Tracey Vega
I was wondering if you're eventually going to do an opportunity call in spanish. That would be really helpful.
Jacob Choi-Durham
Hello Tracey Vega! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific topics or areas would you like to see covered in the opportunity call?
- How frequently would you like these opportunity calls to be held in Spanish?
- Are there any particular days or times that would be most convenient for you to attend a Spanish opportunity call?
Jacky Zhu
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Auto Translate Checkout Page - to expand audience reach for different markets
Hello dear team,
I would really like to use Beacons for my German audience and I just noticed something within the tentary.com software that might be an easy solution for Beacons too.
They allow the user to select the language. This means at checkout, the user will see the default language as English but can select German and the entire checkout page will be displayed in German.
I will also send you a link so you can check it out:
I have purchased the DWA and also the UBC and they always suggest Tentary.com and Systeme.io in the German Modules, but Beacons is simply the best and I already know quite a few creators who would instantly switch to Beacons as it is so much more intuitive and ’sexy’ than the other tools.
Thank you for considering this feature.
Kat xx
Jacky Zhu
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✅ Change the entire store language
Please allow store visitors to see everything in their local language, not just English. There are small titles that are still displayed in English regardless of the customer's language. and that can confuse them and in the end not buy. especially at checkout when I get to pay by debit or credit card.
Jacob Choi-Durham
Hello 365escritos! I have a few more questions for you:
- Which languages are most important for your store visitors?
- Have you noticed specific sections or titles that remain untranslated?
- Is there a particular language you would like to prioritize for the checkout process?
Jacob Choi-Durham The main language of my visitors is Spanish. importants elements during checkout payment appear in English, which can reduce conversion. As an addition, it would be excellent if the product value could be converted to the visitor's local currency based on their location or country, which would help improve the conversion rate.
The specific sections are: 1. Order Sumary 2. pay with debit or Credit card. and then when the card data is going to be put in the blank spaces the texts in English appear. And it is configured by default in the United States.
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Other languages
1) Add Italian as new language for the platform so that Italian people can use it without having to translate everything
2) collaborations with Italian brands next to english brands. Thanks!
Jacky Zhu
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Natàlia Suca
me gustaría traducir la página al español.
Jacky Zhu
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Default Emails to translate (Based on Location)
Je vous contacte concernant ma boutique sur votre plateforme Beacons. J'ai remarqué que bien que mes descriptifs de produits soient rédigés en français, ils sont automatiquement envoyés à mes clients en anglais. Cela crée une confusion pour mes clients francophones.
Je souhaiterais savoir s'il est possible de modifier la langue par défaut de la plateforme et des communications vers mes clients en français, ou s'il existe une option pour gérer les langues de manière plus fluide dans l'interface.
Si cela n'est pas possible actuellement, pourriez-vous me guider sur une solution alternative pour m'assurer que tout le contenu envoyé à mes clients reste en français ?
Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide et j'attends votre retour avec impatience.
Bien cordialement,
Jacky Zhu
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Automatic translate depending on client's browser setting
Mourad Sidhoumi
Jacky Zhu
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Change language
I'd like to set up my beacons page and the overall beacons page in spanish
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