Creation of automatic groups for each product in the store
Kat Tung
Kat Tung
JENNY FIERRO You definitely can! These groups are already created :) If you head to your "Automations", you can send automated emails to the group who purchased a specific product! :) Give it a try! If you still have questions, please reach out to!
Kat Tung I know this possibility exists, but what I mean is when I want to send an email after a few months or days only to the group that made that purchase. For example, to notify them of a specific update of that product or some news without being automated. So today for example I wanted to write an email to tell them something.
JENNY FIERRO In your Audience Manager:, you can filter through your specific products, then create a group!
Jacob Choi-Durham
Hiya JENNY FIERRO, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more details on how you envision the automatic group creation process?
- What information would you like to be included in these automatic groups?
- How would you like to be notified when a new group is created or a customer is added to a group?
Jacob Choi-Durham Create automatic groups and every time a person buys, they will be added to this group, so that when I wake up and want to send them an email to give them the news, it will be much easier. I don't need to be notified but I can find it in my groups. Thanks!
Jacob Choi-Durham I'm still waiting on this exact same feature. While it's possible to sent e-mails out to a specific group of subscribers who purchased a particular product, it still doesn't seem possible to do this when creating an e-mail broadcast.
I can currently only choose "all subscribers", "joined in the last 30 days", "Made a purchase", or "Active Audience". What I would like to select here is "Subscribers who purchased Product ABC".