Ability to show if a purchased digital product has been opened
If a digital product has no issues, this feature would protect Sellers from people who purchase, and access a digital product and then ask for a refund.
The feature would form part of the evidence that a Seller can supply a payment processor if such a buyer makes a refund claim against a Seller
I don’t know what it’s used for
Jacob Choi-Durham
Hiya Zalialifestyle, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- What types of digital products are you selling that would benefit from this feature?
- How do you currently handle refund requests for digital products?
- Would you like notifications or reports when a digital product is accessed by a buyer?
Jacob Choi-Durham I think this is a great idea as well. Digital Products like guides, MRR courses. However I think it would be easier to track if it was a feature that informed us of when the person has clicked the product link. As tracking if someone has opened a guide for example is most likley going to be down to Canva, or where ever the product was made.