Integrated Privacy & Terms Compliance for Forms and Purchases
Jacky Zhu
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Form Section Needed
Forms. We need a form creator so we can add terms of service and conditions. it is the best way to avoid chargebacks and ensure your customers stay on this platform.
Kat Tung
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Contact form on my Link in Bio or Website so my audience can ask a question or make a request
LaKira Jones
- Is it possible to embed a signup form (created with another product) on our landing page?
Kat Tung
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Waiver Forms
I would like the option to have my clients fill out waiver forms prior to purchase for some of my services.
Kat Tung
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Forms for clients to fill out
Users can create forms to collect information from clients/customers
Basic information but also Fill in the blank questions. Or even integration with some app like Typeform including an embed.
Jacob Choi-Durham
Hey askadessa, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific information do you want to collect from your clients/customers through these forms?
- Could you provide more details on how you envision the integration with apps like Typeform?
- Are there any specific features or functionalities you would like these forms to have, apart from fill in the blank questions?
Thanks for responding Jacob Choi-Durham
- I would like to have clients/customer describe what they needs as preliminary document to see if they would be a good candidate for my services. With check boxes , dropdown lists, fill in the blank type answers fields.
2.) I envision a typeform embed to fit in a box or window in the same way links or other blocks function in beacons or perhaps in emails.
3.) Document sign for contracts would be really useful.
Now that I think about it there is probably other ways to do this without adding burden on your programmers but I appreciate your team taking the time to listen.
Jacob Choi-Durham
Great to hear your perspective, surprise_your_spirit! I have a few more questions for you:
- Could you provide more details on the type of information you'd like to collect in the waiver forms?
- Are there any specific services for which you'd like to have this feature implemented?
- Would you like the waiver forms to be customizable or would a standard form suffice?
Jacob Choi-Durham I do wmpathetuc listening and I’d love a form with
-preferred name (for mine I allow fake as anonymity is important)
-date and time of requested appointment (I won’t be setting up payment and I don’t see a way to book in beaconswithout paying)
-i use cashapp Venmo etc whenever possible so I would like to know how they prefer to pay and username
-what they are reaching out to talk about/ what’s on your mind?
-and finally, a confirmation they read through the rules and a page describing what I do vs therapy.
I’d be fine with customizable fields, but I’d like this option instead of the calander on the appointments product tool.
Jacob Choi-Durham
Hiya coachosas, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- Could you provide more details on the specific information you would like to collect through these forms?
- Are there any specific functionalities you would like the form creator to have?
- Could you elaborate on how you envision the integration of these forms with the terms of service and conditions?
Jacob Choi-Durham
Hey Christian Craig, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more details on the specific regulations you need to comply with?
- Are there specific elements or information you would like included in the privacy policy?
- Do you have any specific requirements for the terms and conditions, especially related to the purchasing of products?
Christian Craig
Hi Jacob Choi-Durham, I listed a few down below, and to my knowledge it is all required.
-California Consumer Privacy Laws
-Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA)
Also, an option for consumers to accept cookies, since that is data that is also being collected from our customers/clients.
In terms of the privacy policy I believe it would depend on the individual. For my customers data I collect would include emails, first and last names, billing addresses and payments information. When I was looking how to add this earlier, I found the privacy policy of, and I believe us having the ability to load something like that on our site would be great. As if right now, it is not clear for me how I can be covered legally since I am collecting the data of people.
For products I would need to be able to add a terms and conditions page that the customer can review and accept if they continue with the purchase. Similarly to emails or lead magnets, where whoever is entering information is accepting to how their information is being used and collected. It would be helpful if this can be added in such a way that if we add it to the form, whoever filling it out is not able to continue without agreeing (like a required field).
Jacob Choi-Durham
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contact form
Nelson Leeroy
I'm almost ready to switch my curent website to but I miss a contact form feature! To avoid spam bots, I don't want to put directly my email on the page and I'm not sure I can use a javascript on beacons to hide it from bots...
Any solution ?
Jacob Choi-Durham
Great to hear your perspective, Nelson Leeroy! I have a few more questions for you:
- Could you please specify the information you would like to collect through the contact form?
- Are there any specific features or functionalities you would like the contact form to have?
- Do you have any preferences regarding how you would like to receive the responses submitted through the contact form?
Nelson Leeroy
Jacob Choi-Durham Hey Jacob,
- Ideally, I would like to create a complex form, such as a DJ booking form. However, it's not essential since I have alternative solutions. At a minimum, the form should include: Full Name, Email, and Phone Number (with an international selector to prevent errors).
- I want to automatically add these details to the mailing database.
- It would be ideal to receive the emails in my standard inbox with the option to reply, as well as having an internal inbox within the beacon system.
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