Change Currency for analytics and dashboard
Jacky Zhu
Merged in a post:
Dashboard inGBO
I left feedback a while ago and just wondered what the update was on this please. It was regarding having the dashboard in GBP rather than USD.
I still see people displaying GBP yet a lot of us aren’t.
Thank you
Jacob Choi-Durham
Great to hear your perspective, midlifedigitalmum! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you specify which parts of the dashboard you would like to see in GBP?
- Are there specific features or data points that are more critical to have in GBP?
- Have you noticed any inconsistencies in currency display across different sections of the dashboard?
Jacob Choi-Durham Id like to see my analytics/ sales amounts in GBP because that’s what I sell in.
No inconsistencies, it just would be hugely beneficial to have our dashboard in our home currency or at least the option to change it should we wish!!
Jacky Zhu
Merged in a post:
Total earnings
Hello, the possibility to have total earnings shown in GBP please 🙏
Jacky Zhu
Merged in a post:
For orders page to be in £ instead of $
It would be great for your UK customers to have the option to see our order page income summery in £ instead of $.
Hi Jacob, thanks for replying 😊 I would just like my orders page total earnings to be shown in £ rather than $. Most of my products (aside from affiliate ones) are sold in £ anyway. It would just be good if it was exactly the same as it in now but shown in whatever currency that is your own.
Jacob Choi-Durham
Hello emmadigitalmama! I have a few more questions for you:
- Do you need the total earnings to be displayed in any other currencies besides GBP?
- How frequently do you need the earnings to be updated in GBP?
- Would you like to receive notifications or reports when your total earnings in GBP reach a certain threshold?
Just the option to switch would be great!! All currencies should be an option as not all your customers are American. Id like it implemented as as possible as if like to be able to show my ideal clients the potential in my currency! Thanks
Jacob Choi-Durham
Thank you for posting, staceylouise! I have a few more questions for you:
- Would you like the option to switch between £ and $ on the orders page, or should it be permanently set to £ for UK customers?
- Are there any other currencies you would like to see supported on the orders page?
- Is there a specific deadline or event by which you need this feature implemented?
Jacky Zhu
Merged in a post:
Analytics in GBP
I submitted a request yesterday about why the dashboard isn’t in GBP yet this is the second account I’ve seen that is! How can some be and some not?
Jacky Zhu
Merged in a post:
Dashboard in GBP
I sell my products in GBP but the analytics is only available in USD. Please create the same currency for both. It doesn’t look great selling in one and then showing the dashboard in another.
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